Would you please not ignore any small detail because it can ultimately be a clue to solve other mysteries? You can also take advantage of the mechanical mechanisms you see moving them can open a specific secret door. The clues you find are vital they can be put together to become the answer to a difficult question.

You will have to explore the building and find all the puzzles that need answers. The House of Da Vinci 2 is an intense puzzle game, and the whole plot of the game revolves around solving puzzles. All developments of the story take place in the first-person perspective, which will give you a real immersive feeling as if you are slowly entering this mysterious and enchanting world. Combined with epic sound and bold Renaissance visuals, you’ll get goosebumps and get hooked on each story told. The story of the game is explicitly narrated from match to end with extremely close narration. Coming to this game, you can get to see some of his unique masterpieces. These masterpieces are not only art paintings they are also hand-drawn manuscripts of many architectural and scientific works. His works are always the most precious works of art. He was the best representative of science and painting at that time. He was not only a genius in painting he was also a great inventor, a scholar, a genius engineer.

Leonardo da Vinci has become a legend for us humans. LEONARDO DA VINCI – A EXCELLENT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RENAISSANCE This is a world where you will fully develop your intellect, intelligence, and skills. The only weapon you can bring with you when starting this adventure through space and time is your brain. You will be immersed in a world full of exciting puzzles, mechanical devices, and incredible inventions. You get to time travel back to those glorious days and discover mysterious historical events that brought huge turning points for the human world. In this game, you play as an apprentice of Leonardo da Vinci, taking the name Giacomo. The context of The House of Da Vinci 2 revolves around uncovering the mysteries in the house of Renaissance painting genius Leonardo da Vinci. TIME TRAVEL ON THE TIME OF THE RENAISSANCE This is a great puzzle game that takes you on time travel to uncover the mysteries of this genius’s house. Did you know Leonardo da Vinci is an almighty genius who has left posterity a treasure of intellectual and artistic works? He has been the subject of many works in all fields, including games, and The House of Da Vinci 2 is the best example of this.